Well, I'm back.
And I'm so glad to be home. Seems like, no matter how many fascinatingly different places you go to, home really is where the heart is. Yesterday when the plane was on its way down over Toronto, I was looking out the window and felt this sudden, overwhelming surge of hometown patriotism. It was a little odd but not unwelcome and was a rather interesting feeling.
While I'm sitting here still adjusting back to my default time zone, I figure I'll give you all (all? Does approximately 2, maybe 3 people constitute an "all"? Whatever. Maybe I think too much...) a short account of my trip to Greece.
Athens is the only city I've been to where the street signs were in Greek, the graffiti was in English ("F**K MODERN FOOTBALL" was scrawled on the side of a stadium, for instance), and all our tour guides were French. How's that for a unique mélange of languages?
Was in Athens for two days (and one more day after we got back from visiting the islands) before going to Piraeus to board the cruise ship. Ooh, at the pier in Piraeus, I came across my favorite Engrish-ism: "sandwitches", which I found rather amusing. Apparently, I'm much more lenient when it comes to English spelling and grammar faults when I'm in a country where English is not the primary language. Now, when I see a sign that says "Peperoni Pizza" -- on a pizza place, no less -- here in Canada...well, that's just not acceptable. Honestly. If you're in the pizza industry, wouldn't you think that you'd come across the word "pepperoni" enough times to know how to spell it?
Anyway. Back to Greece. Well, not literally, of course. I did just get back from there and all. *Cough* Um. Moving on... the ports we stopped at were Mykonos, Kusadasi (in Turkey), Patmos, Rhodes, Crete (and if I hear anyone pronounce that like "crate" one more time...), and Santorini, all of which provided lovely views and several of which contained sites of ancient ruins to visit. Really, though, if you don't really like history (and maybe mythology, too) and ancient ruins don't interest you, Greece
absolutely is not the place for you at all. My brother didn't come with us on this trip, and I'm glad now that he didn't because he would have been
so bored.
Um, what else to say? Bought some souvenirs, which is always fun, and got an Olympic (as in the Olympic Games, which will be in Athens this August) shirt for my brother because it says "sport" across the back and he likes sports. Assuming the photo turns out, there will now be photographic proof (as if we needed any) that I am really a geek. More so than I thought, maybe, because we drove (well, the bus drove) past a Virgin Megastore in Athens about twice, and I noticed a cardboard standup of Legolas in the window (now, before anyone says anything, I would have been just as excited if it was any other
Lord of the Rings character, too. Except for maybe Sauron, who I'm not sure would ever have a cardboard standup of himself in a window anywhere. Especially as, when last we saw him, he was a large, flaming eye. Well. Actually, he was kinda defeated the last time we saw him...but anyway, I'm moving on, I
swear...). So, of course, on our last, third day in Athens I made sure to go there and take a photo with it. When my dad was about to take the picture, my mom said something like, "Smile, you geek". And that explains why, if the photo works (and I'm not sure it will b/c it was the last exposure on the roll) there will be an actual photo of my geek smile. Oh, great. Provide blackmail material voluntarily, why don't I?
So I think that's it for now, about Greece...
Okay, so to the people who wanted to go see
Shrek 2 (and, possibly,
Harry Potter) -- you guys haven't seen the movie yet, I hope. Would this weekend work for anybody? I'll e-mail you all if I don't hear from you...
Andrea, welcome back to Toronto! How's the jet lag? Susan, hope your MCAT classes are going well. Did you have some sort of practice MCAT on Saturday or something like that? I'm a bit out of the loop on that, but whatever it was, I'm sure you did a great job.
And to the rest of you -- hope to see or talk to you soon and if I owe you any e-mails, I'm sorry. I'm not so good at that sometimes, and like Alanis says, "Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you" and not letting you get things done. Pesky thing, life is.
Hmm. This post is one and a half pages long in Word already, so maybe I should stop here. Urgh, back to work again tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
p.s. - On the plane, I watched
Win A Date With Tad Hamilton!,
Something's Gotta Give,
50 First Dates, and
Along Came Polly.
50 First Dates was pretty cute. Today I watched
Just Married, which also turned out to be fairly enjoyable, and
The Matrix Revolutions, which I think wasn't as bad as
The Matrix: Reloaded, but I really couldn't tell you for sure because I don't remember the 2nd one very well and because I was pretty tired by the end of
Revolutions on account of the jet lag. Watched
Whale Rider before we left. Great movie. I think I want to watch that one again. You should watch it, too.